Wednesday 13 October 2010

Speed Evaluation (Opening Sequence)

In this essay; I will analyse the Opening sequence to this film; 'Speed', following the codes and conventions.
  • Establish setting
  • Introduce Main Characters (can vary from film to film)
  • Establish genre
  • Story line
  • Establish time period
  • Soundtrach will relate to genre
Titles And Credits
  • Distinct 
  • Appropriate
  • Logo Size and Font
  • Bold and Visual
The title sequence begins with the '20th Century Fox' opening in which I plan to use on our final task as it looks professional and worked well with my GCSE film. It then cuts to an three minute shot of a camera moving down with an elevator. The actual titles go well with the colour and contrast of the sequence of a slight blue effect as the titles are bold and blue, with a white and black type background which helps it to stand out. So it is bold and visual and appropriate to the setting. It is of a good size, especially when the actual film title comes on as it as fairly large and comes into you as if it is sucking you into the letter. I feel this whole aspect was very effective as it had all the typical titles used and stood out with the logo, size and font, making it bold and visual.

It does not follow the typical codes and conventions of a title sequence however. The setting isn't established well as it is just an eleavator  moving down or the time period. All the audience could gain from that is that has to be within the time period in which elevators are used, so it is modern. The non diagetic soundtrack is quite dramatic and sets a pace for the film. It vividly increases when the actual film title is displayed and then ranges. At the end it start to fade out in which the camera starts to pan towards the first and only character we see. Usually the title sequence would display the main characters used aswell; however this only displays one character, so we can only assume that he is important. We don't learn a lot from him as he is quite a plain looking man wearing only a suit and opens a door which has 'caution' on it. However this could show that he is daring. The genre of this film is hard to depict, I could only assume from the soundtrack used that it is perhaps an action film as it is fast paced aswell as the actual title of 'Speed' which perhaps gives it away.

The storyline also isn't established as we only watch an elevator move down and a character open a door. The opening title sequence should entice the audience to want to watch more, however this film does perhaps the opposite as it is long and boring.

I don't think this was a effective opening sequence at all as it doesn't do most of the conventions needed to make it enticing, exciting and successful.

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