Thursday 14 October 2010

Possible Location Idea

This is a sketch of a possible location in the opening scene of our film. The place that I sketched is in the Docklands area. This position has potential because good ideas came up in our group discussions and we can link themes and genres to this setting. The genre we have in mind for our film is "British Gangster" and so the area is renowned for business, with the huge buildings with the backdrop of the Thames and so we could link our film to business Gangsters, where the organisation or firm operate a corrupt and violent buiness and therefore are connected to the criminal underworld.

The ideas we have come up with so far is that the person with the briefcase is on the phone to another character and the camera will switch between these two characters  when the person with the briefcase walks passed the ally and is either shot or abducted  by the person in the shadows. The person on the receiving end of the call just hears the phone cut out and is left wondering and worried. Location changes to a warehouse where the abducted man is being interragated by a rival gang.

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