Wednesday 13 October 2010

Opening Sequence Evaluation; Texas Chain Saw Massacre and Snatch

In the opening sequence of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, it starts off with a radio voiceover which describes the events which have taken place. Even before the radio voice over is heard by the audience, a short summary of what is going to happen is read which explains the deaths of 5 young travellers who were murdered whilst travelling through rural Texas. Immediately, along with the title of the film, introduces the genre.

Furthermore, during the opening sequence, you see , quick clips of body parts kept in jars, it looks like a collection of human organs which was kept in a dark and eerie room. Along with the radio voiceover there is a ambient soundtrack which also causes more eeriness. The soundtrack builds throughout the opening sequence, which builds more and more tension.

Finally in this opening sequence, the shot turns all red which has connotations of danger and blood this shows the audience from the very beginning that blood could be spilt during this film.


Immediately from this opening sequence you can tell this film is going to be very fast paced becuase of the fast soundtrack and quick transitions from character to character. Moreover, in this particular opening sequence, it introduces all the main characters as the titles flash over the action. In this opening sequence it moves on charater to character, so for example, one of the characters throws money, it cuts to another character in a different location and the money lands on the table.

This opening sequence easily identifies the time period, as you can tell from the mise-en-scene it is modern. Also the font of the titles is unique, the genre can also be indentified, as the opening sequence introduces the whole 'gang'. You can see that the fast paced music and the actions of the characters that this film is going to be action, fast paced thriller.

I believe that both of these opening sequences subvert the conventional opening sequence of a mainstream movie. Texas Chainsaw Massacre subverts this as it gives away the plot and storyline from the very beginning and the radio voiceover tells you details, but the movie shows you, so it almost travels back in time to show you the events. Moreover, it doesnt introduce the characters immediately but it introduces the setting, genre and the time period. Whereas, Snatch introduces the characters, time period, and genre effectively, it only gives you a vague look at the characters and the story. But, both of these opening sequence suceed in making the viewer want to watch on to see what happens.

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