Thursday 7 October 2010

Conventions: Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End

Conventions are different in this film opening as opposed to other film openings, which in a way is good as it is original and some what unique. Pirates Of The Caribbean At World’s End is different due to the fact that it is the third film in the series, which may change some of the conventions of a film opening.

The makers of the film assume that viewers have already seen the prequels to this film and so do don’t have to establish main characters as such, unless there is a new addition that will considerably affect the plot. The traditional main characters are not seen in this scene however the main villain is, so in a way this convention is upkept, in a small way. The opening sequence establishes a setting of a navy fortress which is controlled by then English and are hanging people who have been named guilty of piracy. You see a young boy step up to the gallows holding a silver piece who at this point could be considered to be the main focus of this scene. Comical humour is seen when the executioner gets him a stool to stand on so he can reach the noose.

Chants break out amongst the condemned pirates which then scare the guards resulting in them backing off. The main villain shows no compassion for the pirates and continues the execution. The child is hung and drops the silver coin he was holding, the camera then focusing on the slow motion spinning coin, as the background fades black with a distinctive mist with the title fading in over the falling coin. the films distinctive font type reflects the theme of pirates as well as the title of the film “Pirates Of The Caribbean“. The main title fades out then another title fades in as soon as the coin hit’s the floor, “At World’s End” which is symbolic as it emphasises the point that the coin is now motionless on the floor.

The genre of the film has already been set as well as other features of continuity such as main characters, setting, plot, however the plot for this particular film has yet to unravel as the previous film was left on a cliff hanger, so viewers who have seen te previous film will have a certain understanding of what the plot will be however they are unsure as to how it will develop.

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