Tuesday 12 October 2010

self evaluation of preliminary task

after reviewing the video of our preliminary video as  well as retrieving feedback from fellow students via video and text, i now know how successful our work was and how well i worked individually. Overall, i believe i worked well and as a group we made a fairly successful piece considering it was our first attempt at anything like this as a group, although there are a few things that we possibly could of done better during the preparation and filming.

we firstly noticed that there was a slight lack of continuity. this was because of a door that did not stay in the same position throughout the film, instead it was more closed in some shots than it was in others. i also believe that some of the acting could of been performed slightly better, but this is something that can be easily worked on with our final film  until we are happy.
editing skills could also be made a little bit better because we was fairly limited in what we could do as none of us have great experience in movie editing. i think we may need to work out 1 or maybe 2 people to do the editing for the final film because that way, they will get more practice and therefore become more fluent with the editing process. or will also give the rest of the group more time to be doing other things such as filming

We also used humour in the film which we found worked well because it kept the audience interested. there was a very positive response to our light hearted, and almost comic video. In our main video we are more likely to keep it serious because not only was it slowing us down, but it is also very hard to make a film funny without making it seem too tacky.

Overall i think we did well because it was only a prelim task, but i do think our main film will have to dramatically improve to achieve a high grade .

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