Tuesday 28 September 2010

Preliminary shooting task

Today and yester day our group had a go at filming and editing footage for our preliminary shooting task. After reading through everybody in our groups ideas for the dialogue we decided what was to be said and by who. As a group we decided that Luke was going to be the Cop and I was going to be the suspect, as acting is completely new to both of us it was a slight struggle doing things seriously as well as looking natural when acting. We also decided that Vicki was to be the one filming the short movie. Although she has filmed before it is still something she has not perfected, so this was not an easy task for her either. This meant that Ben was left to do maybe the hardest job of directing. He had to make sure the scene was perfect, the camera angles were right, what us actors did was good enough and just keep everything in order.

When filming, we also had to make sure that we applied the 180 rule throughout the film, if we did not do this then the film may of been harder for audience to follow and it would of also just made it alot harder to film and edit afterwards. we also had to make sure that the whole film had continuity, this meant that we had to make sure that things like the way we were dressed completely the same with the same scenery the whole way through otherwise it would not of made sense to the audience as well as making the film look very amature.

I think that our group was very successfull with this task because we managed to get everything done quite well and pretty much all in the given time. We are all very new to working together especially in a fillming task so it was a hard job to do, but we managed to keep it all very light hearted and add humour to our film. The one thing i think we need to work on is to keep things maybe a little more serious without fooling around so much so that we can finish things quicker .

After successfully filming all the footage that we needed as well as many extra shots just in case, we returned to the media suite to upload the shots to the computer and edit them into a very short film. This was a very simple task and just consisted of picking the right clips and putting them together. The only problem we encountered was that the camera fades in and out of every clip, so that took a bit of work to perfect the transitions.

Over all i think we was very successfull and we expect that people will enjoy watching watching our film.

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