Wednesday 22 September 2010

Foundation Portfolio Assignment: Prelim Task: Planning Your Shoot

Brief and Aim
As part of our AS level media coursework, we were asked to do a prelim tash in which involves us to conduct a short film which fulfils our brief.
Our brief was to compose a scene in which shows continuity editing and filming techniques to show a basic story of our choice.
LocationWe have decided to do our sequence within the school grounds in a way to suit the storyline. As our basic storyline is interegation in a room with a policeman and a criminal. As we want to make the whole sequence quite sordid and to have a tense atmosphere; a possibility is to use the school attic. I feel this is a good idea as it is probably our best chance to control the lighting to make the plot easier to understand/follow in creating suspense. However another idea what to use a plain room in which would look like a more stereotypical questioning room.
ShotsThe shots we have chosen to use are going to used ina w ay of such in which the audience can easily depict the status of the Criminal and Detective's lives in being able to automatically assume who is more superior through angle shots and facia expressions in which will help the audience understand that the Criminal is in the wrong; even though he refuses to admit it. We will use the following camera shots to produce our film and represent the continuity of it well. The types of shots we are thinking of using are as follows;

  • Extreme Close ups
  • Close ups
  • Medium Shot
  • Long shot
  • Extreme Long shot
  • Two shot
  • High Angle
  • Low Angle
  • Behind the back shot
  • Shot reverse Shot

    • Police/Cop/Detective
    • Criminal


    Extreme Close-up of Detective's hand turning the door knob.
    (Enter Detective -slams door)

    Long shot of Criminal sitting in chair.

    Medium-Low angle shot of Detective walking into the room with camera reeling backwards.

    Long shot of detective slamming file on table
    (Slams folder onto the desk and slams fists onto the desk leaning towards the criminal)

    Detective: you're a hard man to find.

    (Quick pause) two shot *SHOT REVERSE SHOT*
    Long shot of Detective
    Detective: I know you did it punk! This was your job, DON’T DENY IT!
    Close up-High angle of criminal

    Criminal: You ain't got nothing on me.

    Medium two shot-slightly low looking up at the Detective as Detective gets angered and closes in on the Criminal and the fearless Criminal equally gets closer

    Detective: look buddy, you better start talking, you could be facing a lot of time; And trust me, where you’re going wont be no walk in the park.

    Close up of Criminal *purse lips, gulps, keeps his front up*

    -End scene-

    Victoria McGillicuddy

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