Wednesday 22 September 2010

Preliminary Media Task


When we film our preliminary task we hope to film it in interrogation type room which is available to us on the school premesis. So we wanted somewhere like a loft. This is because our preliminary task will be a detective questioning a criminal. We hope to keep the dialogue short and snappy as this is a short task.


We still need to confirm who is playing what character and who is controlling the camera. Two of us already have experience with working with shots and camera angles so it will be probably be us two operating the camera and directing the actors.


(Detective walks in the room and there is a criminal at the table and slaps his hands down on the table)
Detective: "your one tricky customer, but we've got our hands on you now, and you'll be behind bars for a long time.."
Criminal: "it wasn't me ive been framed"
Detective: "we found your fingerprints and DNA all over the crime scene"
Criminal: "it was a setup i swear"
Detective: "stop lying, we have numerous witnesses, your coming with me"
(Detective drags the criminal out of the room and the scene ends)

Shot List
-Shot reverse shot
-close up
-medium shot
-long shot
-low/high camera angle

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