Wednesday 22 September 2010

first shoot plan

Foundation Portfolio Assignment: Prelim Task: Planning Your Shoot

Location: has to be within the school or close by, the set however will be chosen to fit the story line. The story line will represent a questioning room, found in a police headquarters. The short Film will have to be edited to make the scenery fit in with a stereotypical questioning room, possibly with use of props and background features while filming

  • Police/Cop/Detective
  • Criminal

(Closes door and approaches table)

Detective: you’re a hard man to find

(Slams folder onto the desk and slams fists onto the desk leaning towards the criminal)

Detective: I know you did it punk! It has your work written all over it. This was your job, DON’T DENY IT!

Criminal: No, you ain’t got nothing on me. Zilch. Nada. I wanna lawyer, get him on the phone (with attitude, calm)

Detective: (regaining his posture and pulls away from the table) Yeah yeah, we’ll do that but we should have a little chat first. Where were you last night between 10.00 and 12.00?

Criminal: (with attitude) I don’t have to tell you anything until my lawyer gets here, now be a sport n get me a coffee, your wasting your time here

Detective: (slightly angered) look buddy how about doing yourself a favour and fess up now, you could be facing a lot of time if you don’t fess up now or give me some information! And trust me, where you’re going wont be no walk in the park.

Shots: the shots that we are going to use are going to be used in a way in which you can see our actors facial expressions and emotions that they are trying to represent and act out. The sequence we are filming will hopefully build to the story and to overall entertain the audience. The different camera shots we will be using may include:
  • Close Ups 
  • Extreme Close Ups 
  • Long shots 
  • Medium shots 
  • Low angle 
  • Behind the back shots
  • Long shots

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