Thursday 16 December 2010

Third Day Filming

On the 15/12/10 we filmed the motorbike scene once again however this time we filmed it at night as we saw another group successfully film a car at night and so we thought that if we were to film our scene again but at night then it would add more effect and atmosphere to the film. the reason we had to film the motorbike scene again to begin with was because continuity had been disturbed due to the fact that in one clip the motorbike did not have a L plate (learner sticker) attacked to it and in the next shot it did. the reason the sticker had to be put back on was due to a change of location as it was illegal not to have the sticker on the motorbike when on a main road and so when moving the bike to another location we did not realise that we had not taken the L plate off.

We faced a few problems as first it was dark and therefore we had to find a reasonable amount of background light in order to film. another problem was that it was raining and therefore it became difficult to film, however, we had prepared for the eventuality that it would rain and so we had an umbrella on hand which ensured that the the camera or equipment did not get wet. the final problem occurred at 8pm as the camera rewound itself and in fear that we would lose any footage that we had filmed we decided to stop filming and upload the footage as soon as we could.

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