Wednesday 8 December 2010

Problems Faced During Filming

During the Filming process the group and myself encountered a number of problems. these problems had to be dealt with in order for us to proceed, however, some were unavoidable.

Firstly organisation was needed in order to proceed as we had to prepare probs and costumes for our film and individual characters as well as prepare a storyoard, dialogue, and locations.

Next we faced the issue of time as we had very little time to film seeing as each group member had to put themselves out and make the effort to find a time that suited everyone. The main problem with this was the fact that we had different lessons at different times during the week as well as keeping on top of homework set by different subjects made the task quite strainious. in a real life situation a movie would take a much longer time to produce, time we did not have the luxury of. on some occasions we had hoped to film multiple scenes in one day however we ran out of time, this was mainly due to weather.

the most inconvenient problem was the weather, and luckily for us it was winter, and British weather being unpredictable caused the group a few problems, for starters, we were told we could not film if it was raining as it would interfere with the picture, luckily it did not rain, which came across as a supprise however it snowed, which was much worse seeing as this caused transport problems, as well as the school at one point to close. The snow prevented us from shooting one scene that required us to use a Motorbike, it would be unreasonable to force our friend to drive in such dangerous conditions. we lost filming time due to the weather, it was deemed impossible to film in the snow as it was difficult for group members to meet up, as well as trying to keep the continuity where there could not be snow in one shot and none in the other, and vice versa. we lost daylight quite quickly due to the weather as well as the winter season as it gets darker earlier and around three to five o'clock.

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